Biographical Distinctiveness

Biographical Distinctiveness

Sounds way cooler than “what sets me apart” or “what makes me unique” doesn’t it? While this website has no Borg nanoprobes (that I’m aware of) I remember being asked these questions on college applications, in writing classes, and even on a job application when I was 16. Of course at the time my answers were just like what you might expect - life experiences, personal accomplishments, honed skills, specialized knowledge, etc. But now I answer it with just two words - “I’m me”.

I am [REDACTED]. Here on the Internet I am PerfectAgent007. But regardless of which name is used to address me, you are still talking to the same person. My personality, my knowledge, my experiences, my feelings, personal tastes - these are indeed things that comprise and define me. But what makes me unique? The simple fact that I am me - not someone else, not like someone else, just me. I am an individual. What sets me apart from the other applicants that you’re interviewing? Hey, if the tests didn’t give you enough information maybe you should have actually contacted my references, LOL.

If you’re here viewing my website of digitized thoughts and perspectives, then I’ll confirm what you already know - I am a tech nerd. A big one. I have other interests that include woodworking, bowling, gaming (that one should come as NO surprise), swimming, and cooking, to name a few. But invariably tech will make its way into every aspect of my daily life because, to get philosophical for a moment, I accept and embrace its presence in society and life for one simple reason: understanding and working with technology is my purpose. I am by no means one of the great technologists of the world, but if my experiences and knowledge gained from those experiences have taught me anything it’s that this is what I was meant to do. For me to believe otherwise would be to resist my destiny and calling. And resistance … is futile.