I had another blog under a different domain. It recently got hacked so I decided to rebuild it here.
I had a website under a different domain. Turning back the clock even further, I originally purchased two .tech domains just for the purpose of holding them since they were online handles I’ve used over the years. was the original site that has since been deleted following a site hack. For a few reasons aside from the hack, is the new site because PerfectAgent007 is a name I’ve used for over twenty years now, and I feel it’s time to put my perspective on things back out there, clogging tubes in the process.
The name PerfectAgent007 has been with me for more than half of my life. I don’t consider it a brand, unique persona, or any kind of disconnect from my own true self. This name literally started out as a display name for the N64 GameShark forums in 2000. Perfect Dark was a game I absolutely could NOT put down (and thankfully it was summer at the time so school didn’t suffer), and it was the spiritual successor to GoldenEye. Perfect Agent was the top skill level of Perfect Dark, and I had a matching love for GoldenEye. Mash the two together and PerfectAgent007 was born.
I don’t have any specific plans for this site other than just posting my thoughts and perspectives on various things, most of which will be tech related. But with that said, welcome to my second blog.